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Minimum Order $50 & Get 10% Off (Use Code: GET10) or Minimum Order $100 & Get 20% Off (Use Code: GET20)

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4 Set - Gharana Foods Original Jalapeno Chakri, 6 oz

  • Made In India

Jalapeno Chakri is our twist on the original. We use crushed, dried jalapeno

flakes to it a kick. When you first bite into it, you will get the savory,

super crunchy texture of the original. After a few moments, you should feel

the jalapeno heat creep up the back of your throat that won't be overpowering.

Each bite cleanses the palate so you taste the buttery, crunchy texture each

time; however the heat will creep up and build with time. This is a great

snack to eat with a cold beer or - like the original - used to dip into

something 'cooling'. It is gluten free.