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Chakde! India [Blu-ray] [Blu-ray]

Chakde! India [Blu-ray] [Blu-ray]

Yashraj Films

Product Details

Product description Original Yashraj Films Blu-ray Disc Review Chak De India
is a beautifully made film that makes you laugh, makes you cry, gives you
goose bumps, and stirs up patriotism inside you. It is a film that every lover
of good cinema must watch. It is heartening to see Yashraj Films move away
from their stereotypical mushy romances and sentimental family dramas. Sports,
in itself, is not a popular genre in Bollywood. On top of it, Chak De India
has no love angle even though it has Shah Rukh Khan playing the leading man
alongside 16 new girls. Despite so many odds, Chak De India turns out to be a
riveting film. Reason.... excellent writing (by Jaideep Sahni), well etched-
out characters, brilliant performances (by Shah Rukh, Shilpa Shukla, Sagarika
Ghatge and Chitrashi Rawat) and, last but not the least, superb direction by
Shimit Amin. Chak De India is not just a sports film. It is replete with
myriad emotions. And the best part is that Shimit Amin tells the story very
realistically, making it all the more believable. He also doesn't bring any
unnecessary dramatization into the story. With a strong
screenplay, Shimit s direction is first rate. He has ensured there isnt even a
single dull moment. Every scene makes a impact. Also the feel of the movie is
so real that it makes you cheer and pray for the team to win. The background
music is brilliant so is the cinematography.Shahrukh Khan is the heart and
soul of Chak De India. He has just delivered arguably his best performances in
his career. It fills your heart with happiness to see the actor in Shahrukh in
full form. He portrays the role of Hockey coach with a lot of dignity,
intensity and charm. Undoubtedly the best performance of the year. The team of
girls are exceptionally good. Characters of Preethi and Komal stand
out.Overall, this is a must watch for every Indian. The performances, the
screenplay, the direction are just perfect. You cant ask or expect more. Is
there a negative? Yup, the intermission.. It makes you restless!!

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