- For Body Massage / Hair Loss & hair Fall Massage
- Men Erectile Dysfunction
- Stress reliever Massage
- Body pain Masage
- High Source of Omega - 3 & Omega-6 Help to reduce Hair Loss & Hair Fall
Massage gently For Hair Loss / Hair Fall - high source of omega-3 helps in
reducing hair loss Body Massage - improves blood circulation and help to
reduce stress , joint pains , Body Pain, Muscle sprains and more. Stress
Reliever Massage / Pain Reliever Massage Mens Erectile dysfunction - This oil
has proven to help those men with erectile dysfunction. Source of Omega-3 /
Omega-6 For External Use Only For Erectile Dysfunction in Men Mustard oil is
also used for rub-downs and massages (in Ayurveda treatments), thought to
improve blood circulation, muscular development and skin texture; the oil is
also antibacterial. The oil is also sometimes used prior to sexual intercourse
on the male genitalia to enhance erections or strengthen vitality.